Don't be fooled by the increasing number of look-alike gauges on the market...there are only two official CoCoRaHS-approved gauges...and WeatherYourWay sells them both! We are your best source for everything CoCoRaHS...gauges and gauge parts, apparel and observer supplies! Free shipping on all orders of $55 or code necessary. Visit and 'like' us on FaceBook for the latest specials and store notifications!

Change CoCoRaHS measuring tube to METRIC units - original CoCoRaHS gauge ONLY

Change CoCoRaHS measuring tube to METRIC units - original CoCoRaHS gauge ONLY

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Purchasing this option will notify WeatherYourWay to switch the measuring tube(s) in this same order to the metric version. The metric measuring tube is exactly the same size as the imperial version...but the scale shows millimeters in 0.2 millimeter increments to 25.4 millimeters. Please select the correct quantity of this item for the number of measuring tubes you need switched to the metric scale! The TROPO gauge measuring tube includes both imperial and metric units, so this option is valid for the original CoCoRaHS gauge ONLY!